Apps Development

We specialize in creating intuitive and feature-rich applications for diverse platforms, from concept to deployment, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Most common scenarios

Creating portals for interacting with employees, customers or vendors.
Creating applications to transform traditional business processes into digital ones.
Modernizing existing applications, to meet evolving user and market demands.

How to begin

We recommend starting with the development and launch of an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), a first version of the product with just enough features to be usable by early adopters who can provide feedback for future product development. This allows you to validate user needs and demands prior to investing more time and money on developing a more fully featured product.

Key aspects of Mobile Apps

  • Designed for small screens, using fingers to navigate.
  • Take advantage of features available on mobile devices: rotation, compass, accelerometer, location, camera, etc.
  • Should minimize storage, memory and data usage.
  • Must be tested on various devices.

Some mobile applications use a network connection to obtain and/or store information. In those cases, the process involves developing and implementing backend services in a cloud computing infrastructure.

Key aspects of Web Apps

  • Designed for both large and small screens.
  • Must load and display in a few seconds.
  • Should work fine in most popular browsers.
  • Need to be hosted in a secure and properly designed infrastructure.

Our Software Development Process

We divide projects in phases, each with very clear deliverables and their associated costs. At the end of each phase you decide whether to proceed to the next or go back and redefine things.